Lycklig ! ?
Chaa Chaa bloggen.
Idag har jag mått hur bra som helst! Den känslan var länge sen man kände. Alla vet ju att i början av året så var mitt liv något som inte någon människa vill leva. Den som har blivit hjärtekrossad vet exakt vad jag snackar om!
Man sitter hemma allt i livet är svart, man orkar inte med någonting. Allt känns helt onödigt. Man skrattar med sina vänner och med sin familj men allt är bara fejk skratt. . . Men idag hände något , jag började leva lyckligt för första gången på länge. Jag hoppas det inte bara är för idag utan från och med nu och föralltid. Vill inte må dåligt för den dära människan. Han är inte värld mina tårar eller min uppmärksamhet. NEVER EVER AGAIN.
I was looking at the data realy shockin, I saw that you had been writing to some girls. I gotta say I found this a bit shockin. When you came home you was acting that everything was normal? The worst part is that its noot the first time you have been doing that to me. But I have been to nice to you, I forgive you everytime. Do you know why? Because I loved you to much. . . Boy how could you lie to me thought you would die for me I'm not acceptin another apology. After 11 month , Im gonna let it go .I ain't standin around crying no more. My tears are not worthy for you. Got your bags packed sitting by the door Im gonna leave your heart broken on the floor. I know that you leaved me heart broken first. But Im not gonna come back too you. Its your lost honey not mine. You will never found a girl like me I promise you. . You are not your self anymore. You are playing theater with everybody. And when you are getting to close with a girl you are leaving her because you dont mange the pressure . Haha pathetic! The wirst part is that you told me that you loved me the same day you dumped me? How sick isnt that? I know deep inside that you only wanna be with me and that you got feelings for me and you love so bad that you dont now were to go. But that its something that is stopping you to show me your feelings . Whatever that is you gotta get rid of that. The problam is that you will never do that. . . You will always gonna have a speciall place in my heart , And I will alawys love you for some reason. I will never forgive you. But now I must be thinking of my one life! Im happy now only as you know ! Let me see you try to live without me
Now where's your heartbeat you know tlat line on the EKG. . .
<3 Your truly Linnéa Gren
you go gril :D<3
Vad bra skrivet. Har du skrivit allt själv, lät som en sång eller dikt. Mycket kloka tankar. You deserve someone that´s worthy you, that never ever can think of hurting you, that true love is just waiting for you.
Love you my sister you´re the best